| 1. | Standard and customary card fees apply 适用其他信用卡的手续费用同样适用本卡。 |
| 2. | Annual card fee will be waived in half continuously 可获永久年费减半优惠 |
| 3. | First year annual card fee waiver 豁免信用金卡首年年费 |
| 4. | There is no supplementary cheung kong card fee for the first year 您名下的所有附属卡?可获首年年费豁免优惠。 |
| 5. | Annual card fee will be waived in full continuously , both for you and your supplementary card 主卡年费及附属卡年费均获永久豁免 |
| 6. | Credit card fee 信用卡年费豁免 |
| 7. | Annual card fee will be waived in full continuously , both for you and your supplementary card ( s ) 主卡及附属卡之年费均获永久豁免 |
| 8. | The annual card fee will be waived in full continuously , both for you and your supplementary card 主卡及附属卡之年费均获永久豁免。 |
| 9. | Annual card fee 信用卡年费 |
| 10. | Card issuers should quote the annualised percentage rate of interest and the annual card fee 发卡机构应列明信用卡产品的年利率和年费。 |